Thursday 3 August I 19:30
Pay What You Want
The Chelsea Theatre, 7, World's End Place, London SW10 0DR
Heather Alexander’s unique dramatic interpretation of Virginia Woolf's A Room Of One's Own explores Woolf’s fundamental ideas about gender, creativity and thwarted opportunity. The play explores Woolf’s ideas in a bold and provocative production where we experience the narrator moving seamlessly between her study, lecture room, the British Museum and Oxbridge locations as she forms her fundamental ideas. The text remains relevant and poignant as it asks the audience to reflect upon what and how much has changed? Woolf unflinchingly interrogates the crushing injustice she encounters. Witty. Relevant. Provocatively funny. Woolf slices through notions of gender disparity with an incisive mix of integrity and visceral charm.
Age guidance 12+
Main Festival Event. This show is being presented within Kensington and Chelsea Festival in partnership with The Chelsea Theatre. Booking link available shortly. Tickets are Pay What You Want. See other listings for the full 18 Shows Programme at The Chelsea Theatre.